These days more and more customers start using the Internet as a means to look up desired services and products. Therefore, we provide you with specific information about our company, offered services and contacts.

The main goal of Elektroinziniering is to present our products and services in Slovakia; however, we operate all over the EU, mostly in the Czech Republic. We founded the company to meet ever-growing demand for products and services we offer. Our quality standards are based on customer's needs and expectations.

Team, this brand brought together has a genuine mission - maximum satisfaction of our customer's needs. We put a lot of emphasis on versatility, complexity and quality of our services.


Copyright 2010 Elhart studio. All Rights Reserved.
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Should you be interested in who can meet your requirements - you will find it right here.

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We appreciate your visit to our company web site.

Elektroinžiniering was founded in 2010 comprising experts from multiple areas of energetics and construction industry.

Our experience and quality is your satisfaction guarantee


Ing. Ján Harant - čestný prezident združenia